Mr Ian Kyle, Senior Partner and Director at Irvings Law whom specialise in Actions Against the Police Department, has successfully represented a client in a claim for compensation against the Metropolitan Police. Unfortunately, such a client does not consent to being named within this blog about her case.
Ms P was arrested by Police Officers from the Metropolitan Police for an alleged domestic related theft of around £3,000.00 worth of property six months prior by her now ex-husband. There was, however, no proof that any of the belongings taken actually by Ms P belonged to her husband. When the said Police Officers arrived, they did not give Ms P the opportunity to voluntarily give them her phone to locate a text that was referred by her now ex-husband when reporting her to them about this alleged offence. Instead, the attending Police Officers simply decided to arrest Ms P there and then and not seize her mobile phone either. When raised by Ms P during her interview about going through her phone, it was then seen to be clear that there was no such message as it had been made up by her now ex-husband. Thankfully, Ms P was then released without any further action after a hellish experience in a cell for the first time.
After her release, Ms P approached specialist Actions Against the Police Solicitors, Irvings Law, for assistance. Mr Kyle immediately acknowledged that what happened to Ms P was completely wrong and without hesitation, offered to act for her by way of “no win, no fee”. After obtaining all documentation, information and footage from the Metropolitan Police, Mr Kyle alleged that Ms P’s arrest was unnecessary and therefore unlawful.
After lodging her claim, the Metropolitan Police agreed to pay Ms P £3,000.00 plus the payment of her legal costs.