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Mr Matthew McConville, Head of Irvings Law’s specialist Actions Against the Police and Data Breach Department, has successfully represented a client in a claim for compensation against Greater Manchester Police. Due to confidentiality, the client will be referred to as Mr H.

Mr H became aware that Greater Manchester Police had provided wrong details to Social Services about him in that he had been involved in the past with a serious alleged crime. As such, a complaint was lodged and in response, this was admitted and an apology provided for this mistake. Greater Manchester Police then corrected their records and sought Social Services to delete what they had received which they confirmed they had done so.


After this, Mr H approached specialist Actions Against the Police & Data Breach Solicitors, Irvings Law, for assistance. Mr McConville immediately acknowledged that what happened was completely wrong and without hesitation, offered to act for Mr H by way of “no win, no fee” presenting a claim to Greater Manchester Police on the basis that Mr H’s human rights to privacy were breached as well as GDPR following this misuse of private information.


After presenting the claim, Greater Manchester Police wished to settle Mr H’s claim and an agreement was reached not long after such discussions took place in the global sum of £8,000.00 including the payment of his legal costs.

Author: Matthew McConville